Friday, March 11, 2011

X-rays, sleeping, and tsunami's

I had the x-rays of my shoulder, ankle, and foot done today. With any luck I'll hear something early next week. I haven't been sleeping well lately because of pain, especially in my shoulder, but tonight I won't be sleeping alone so hopefully it'll go smoothly and I won't be bumped too much. You never realize how big or lonely a bed is until you're not sleeping in it alone.

Luckily, we haven't had any problems because of the recent tsunami. I had a talk with my kids this morning before they left for school. I just kind of let them know what was going on, there's nothing to worry about, and let them ask any questions they might have. My youngest had a few questions so I answered them the best I could. I didn't want to scare my kids but I certainly didn't want to send them to school knowing nothing and have them find out and be scared. I sent them off with questions answered, a cool and calm attitude, and an I love you. That reassured them more than anything. I love being a mom.