Saturday, March 19, 2011

Vegas baby!

I'm headed to Vegas next month. The last time I was there was when I got married but we didn't get to do much because of the heat. This year I'm going earlier and we're going to stay in a hotel near the strip. By the way, I'm going without the ex. lol. I can't wait. My aunt, uncle, and cousin live there but I don't feel right staying with them. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas! ; )

Friday, March 11, 2011

X-rays, sleeping, and tsunami's

I had the x-rays of my shoulder, ankle, and foot done today. With any luck I'll hear something early next week. I haven't been sleeping well lately because of pain, especially in my shoulder, but tonight I won't be sleeping alone so hopefully it'll go smoothly and I won't be bumped too much. You never realize how big or lonely a bed is until you're not sleeping in it alone.

Luckily, we haven't had any problems because of the recent tsunami. I had a talk with my kids this morning before they left for school. I just kind of let them know what was going on, there's nothing to worry about, and let them ask any questions they might have. My youngest had a few questions so I answered them the best I could. I didn't want to scare my kids but I certainly didn't want to send them to school knowing nothing and have them find out and be scared. I sent them off with questions answered, a cool and calm attitude, and an I love you. That reassured them more than anything. I love being a mom.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Oh so fun

Yesterday was my doctor's appointment. I'll save you the boring details and make a long story short. Today my doctor got the approval for x-rays for my shoulder and ankle, both on my left side. I'm in constant pain and look like some sort of gimp walking around with a limp. I also got a flu shot and man has that made my arm sore. I should be getting results on several other tests too, so wish me luck. Now I've got to wait for the referrals for the x-rays to come in and then I get to go get those done.

Sadly this post has to be short. I need to get back into bed and prop up my ankle and shoulder.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I've got a doctor's appointment today for some health issues I've been having. Why is it I feel guilty for going? I feel like I should cancel. I feel like a whiner. When my kids are having problems I'm all about getting them in and getting in any face I have to in order to get my point across and make sure the problem is addressed or seen to. But when it comes to me, when I'm having issues, and not made up in my mind issues, but genuine issues I'm feeling this guilt. My health is just as important. If something should happen to me, well, I just won't think of the alternative. So now I'm off to shower and hope to wash away this guilt while I get ready for my doctor's appointment.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Scotland and love songs

I've been doing a lot of thinking about Scotland. I loved it there. In fact, my profile picture is a picture I took in Scotland. It's a river near Loch Ness, heck it might even run into Loch Ness for all I know. Everytime I think of this next memory I smile. I was at my sister's wedding. She got married in a castle in Scotland. She was up on a balcony overlooking the courtyard, getting ready to throw her bouquet. She nagged every single female, including me, into catching the bouquet. I was refusing to be in that group. I've been married twice and divorced twice. The last thing I wanted to do was catch a bouquet. But it came down to refusing and marring my sister's perfect day or giving in and making her happy. I gave in with the provision that I would keep my hands in my pockets. I knew that damn bouquet was coming to me, I could feel it. Sure enough, I'm standing there, with my hands in my pockets with that bouquet coming at me and out of relex I put my hand out to catch it and then realize what I'm doing I pulled back. I touched it and it bounced off my hand when I pulled back. It ended up falling on the ground but because I was the first to touch it everyone insisted on me taking it. It just makes me smile and giggle to think about that.

Which brings me to love songs. Have you ever heard a love song and thought that you wanted someone to feel that way about you or you really wanted to dedicate that song to the one you love? I have and they seem to keep popping up lately. Should I ever get married again, I'd like the love songs that have really touched me played at my wedding.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Oy with the poodles

I composed a nice post about how busy I'm going to be this month only to have it go astray and when I pushed the back button like the page said, mysteriously the post had disappeared. I was afraid that was going to happen.

This month will be a busy one for my family. We've got lots of appointments this month. Doctor's appointments, dentist appointments, school appointments, and other miscellaneous appointments. And while I find being a single parent satisfying and rewarding, there are times I find it frustrating. Like when there's not enough time in the day to get everything done. I'll be taking a lot of time off work to get these appointments done but what can you do? They've gotta be done.

It doesn't look like much and I guess it's really not. But the part that's draining me is the planning, paperwork, juggling things, and executing the plan. I know myself well enough to know that I'm too much of a control freak to let someone else help me anyway. So while I may complain about having to do it all myself, I guess I wouldn't have it any other way. I don't know any other way. And now I'm off to make phone calls regarding things I've let slide and then pay bills. Joy of joys. Wish me luck.